Children love to hand out food to others: snacks to guests, pizza slices to classmates, treats to puppies, and seeds to birds. The delight on children’s faces when they pass food around expresses the awareness that we are all programmed to share our basic human needs, for the sake of our joy and survival.
All the food we eat was once alive – plants and animals – then it reincarnates after we eat it, to become our own flesh and blood, for which we are eternally grateful. As our bodies receive food – like a squirrel who just unearthed a nut, or a seagull who just found a French fry – our bodies rejoice on a very deep level.
We appreciate every mouthful of food we eat, not as a substance, but rather as a ‘life upcycled to give us life.’
Read more about ‘how our world and our lives work together in perfect synchronicity of taking and giving, and how we all love each other,’ in the revelational, life reference book, SIGH, written on behalf of All of Us.