Love Ambassador: a representative, a messenger, a giver of life.
All animals showcase the importance of love and support for each other, and so do all humans, because deep down we know that spreading love is our formula for living, especially if others are suffering due to a decline in the health of their body, their mind, or their psyche/subconscious/inner-self/soul (however one views the driving force in our life) which can cast a variety of obstacles onto their path, e.g. grief, stress, shame, defiance, doubt, helplessness, hate, fear, ferocity, pain, paralysis, alienation, etc.
These are the times when we step up to remove obstacles from others’ paths, as we spread the seeds of love by doing the following:
STEP ONE – We scatter the seeds of love:
With the understanding that in order to find peace and happiness, one needs to begin by tapping into one’s core, therefore we start spreading love by reminding others of the following:
a) Who they truly are:
‘You are an innovative, inspiring genius, in your own significant way, and the ripple effect of your existence has an enormous effect on everyone and everything around you.’
b) Their four great life tools:
‘You are talented, intuitive, moralistic, and emotionally well-equipped to create personal high standards, inspire others, and to navigate towards greatness with your deep, innate intelligence.’
c) How they have journeyed through life up until this point:
‘You have hit many roadblocks, picked up the pieces of your broken heart, forgiven yourself and others, united people, and felt euphoric and joyful, as you have continued to love the magnificent world we live in.’
STEP TWO – We cover the seeds of love with nourishing soil:
With the understanding that connectivity is critical for our basic survival, we offer others the following:
a) Suggestions on how to remove obstacles from their path:
‘No matter what, you are deserving of all the love that swirls around our planet, and as you look in all directions you will see smiles which speak kind words to you, and open arms which invite you into the next chapter of your snuggly, interconnected life’.
b) Connections to others who understand or share their current emotions:
‘There are many out there who are ready to adjust their frequencies and tune in to what you would like to say; with their focus, confidence, and calm patience.’
c) The connectivity that is felt in every corner of our interconnected, compassionate planet:
‘No matter where you journey to – be it to another home, another town, or another country – because human connectivity is vitally important, you will never be banished from Earth.’
STEP THREE – We water the ground where the seeds of love are planted:
With the understanding that we all often veer off our roads of life and travel through the rough country for a period of time, we offer others the following:
a) Confidence that they are never alone:
‘As you travel through the rough country you will always hear the uplifting sound of voices that motivate and steady you, so that you stand in good stead for when the time comes for you to skip back onto your road again.’
b) The reassurance that they belong:
‘You had one in billions of chances of existing, and you won! You belong here: now, at this time, in this place.’
c) The faith that they will get back on their road soon:
‘We all go through several metamorphoses – radical personal transformations – during our lifetimes, where we may change old behaviours, or lose a few relationships, but we ultimately spread our new, bright sparkling wings, and fly off to sample the sweet nectar of life, as we give back by pollinating most of the life we touch, with love and connectivity.’
We scatter seeds to remind others of who they truly are. We cover the seeds with nourishing soil to offer others strong connectivity, and we water the soil to nourish it so that it will remain life-giving during times when we veer off our roads.
As a Love Ambassador you will breathe life into a powerful, peaceful movement that circulates the entire world, bringing enrichment and happiness to every life-form.
Read everything about who everyone is, and how everyone loves, in the revelational, life reference book, SIGH, which covers all life’s topics, written on behalf of All of Us.